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Small Group Study finds text problems

March 13th, 2010


In helping facilitate a small goup study of Unexplainable, I came across two parts of the text that you may wish to revisit.

Page 132, 4th paragraph, last sentence: “Apart from God, this joy is not only explainable, but unattainable, for it is His joy.” Please re-write to clarify. It is confusing.

Page 204 (inset) not “to see free those” but rather “to set free those”

Thank you for your kind attention.

Stephen Blanton
Bluffton, SC
843 705 6025

My Shift Story

February 25th, 2010

When I interviewed for a staff position in Children’s Ministry, I remember being asked, “How do you see your ministry?” I replied that my desire and passion was for children to come to know the Lord. The Executive Director asked about my role with leadership and I remember saying that my “real” ministry would be the end result of kids knowing Christ, leaders were just there to help. I’m so grateful that soon after beginning my ministry I went through Don’s training. As I sat in the training I realized that I had a “user” mentality and was embarrassed thinking, “Why did he still hire me?”

It all made sense and I quickly changed. I knew my purpose was to equip leaders and began to call people into ministry through an inspiring vision, connect them to the rest of the team and the coach them to be the leaders God gifted for this season, sometimes even helping them find a new ministry: It’s now what my ministry is all about. My job is to help these servants to a place where they are faithful, fruitful and fulfilled, and through that, God works out kids know Him and His Son! While I still have a deep passion for kids to know Christ, I know there’s no way I can effectively minister to the 300 kids that show up on a weekend without the amazing group of leaders God has placed in this church. While I struggle to with the names of all the kids who come through, I do know their leader’s names and it’s the leaders job to know the children.
